Saturday, February 9, 2008

The synchronized national and local election was held last May 14, 2007 Contested positions include half the seats in the house of senate, all seats in the house of congress and the positions for provincial governors, provincial city and municipal board members and city and municipal mayors.
The synchronized Baranggay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections which will be on October 29, 2007 will elect the baranggay captain, baranggay councilors and members of the sangguniang kabataan.
On the other side, Senators and members of the House of Representatives make u the congress where the Legislative power or the law making power of the government is vested The powers of the congress are to enact laws, including appropriation and taxation measures, to conduct legislative investigations, to request heads of departments to appear before it, to act as board of canvassers for the Presidential elections, to call for special elections for the presidency and the vice presidency, to declare war and delegate emergency powers, to revoke or extend the privilege of the habeas corpus or declare martial law, to confirm certain appointments made by the president, to approve treaties and international agreements. In line with this, during the term he or she was elected, they may not, directly or indirectly, be
former president Joseph Estrada who until recently was considered the center of power in the oppositionist camp, just waiting to tke revenge for his unorthodox removal from office in a opular uprising in January 2001 . Due to his warning authority, the former president, not only failed to unite his disparate political allies, he also failed to instal a leader for his ersonal liking in the presidentisl palace.”
I strongly affirm to his statement, exactly! Today's election seems worst. The media has the primary role in this speculations, poor quality of discourse run up to the election. It seems this election is the dirtiest election in the world because of its numerous happenings.
In the former election, I learned to be alarmed. Philippines is developing every now and then. The purpose of our existence is to know what is happening in this planet earth, one of those is Election 2007, the biggest event in the country that you should be aware of. . .I learned to be natural, In some case, other politicians would wear a black mask in order to cover the inner portion of their being, being natural is a treasure, because you are you, no one can duplicate it, even if. . .there would be an incident that your treasure be unclothed. In some areas, I learned to Think Positive, every human should possess this, even though there's failure and downfalls, you should accept the truth, like last election, I know that there's a superior and inferior, those superiors have may be a strong determination in
There was a time when I'm down and my heart is full of heartaches because troubles always comes. I feel my world is going to burst but then when I walk silence I learned to be strong. That time I was a lonesome guy. I was filled with dark thoughts. It is not often to me to laugh and fill my lips with a big big smile. I remembered those days when sadness filled my heart because I lose a girl that gave me a reason to smile. I felt my days in this earth is going to end. The feeling of desperation. It was then when I realized to be strong despite of loneliness. There are people who shows love without showing it physically but heartily. Now that I'm a young boy, I remembered those laughter moment that we're together. In proof, it was carved in my heart and no one can omit it.A good deal of happiness as we grow older is caused by our pining for the “good old days”- Those times when we enjoyed health, wealth, position or power. But the things of this world don't last. They are vacillating, changeable, capricious. In time, they may be taken away from us and replaced with poverty, isolation, weakness and pain.A little bit of doggerel goes as follows, “A cheerful old bear at the zoo could always

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